by Team Grype | Mar 28, 2013 | Grypes |
The Parasitic Taskmasters One side-effect of the overabundance of middle management in America is a sub-class of employee we’ll call “parasitic taskmasters.” These individuals somehow manage to rise in the managerial ranks to a supervisory capacity,...
by Team Grype | Mar 26, 2013 | Grypes |
Some Musings on the Plight of Middle Management: As the American economy adapted to the sudden industrial heydey of the post-war 1940’s and 1950’s, education rose to the forefront as the great guarantor of job success. A post-war college degree was widely...
by Team Grype | Mar 19, 2013 | Grypes |
What’s the worst abuse of Patent Law? Monsanto’s attempt to patent seeds and classify their offspring as “illegal copies”? Nope. Most people are familiar with “ambulance chasers”— legal firms that recruit injured parties to take...
by Team Grype | Mar 14, 2013 | Grypes |
So, get this: corporate tax entitlements and business incentives are now so far out of whack that the tax-fueled Public Employee Pension System in Michigan is being raided to pay the bills of a foundering movie studio, no less. Michigan Motion Pictures Studios, based...
by Team Grype | Mar 12, 2013 | Grypes |
So… today’s entry in the “WTF?” category: the ever-vigilant folks over at the Department of Homeland Security recently issued what they call “an open purchase order” for 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition. To put that in perspective:...
by Team Grype | Mar 5, 2013 | Grypes |
Why are we so adamant about the evils of corporatization gone wild? Here’s why: because amoral corporations make it possible for big money to wipe out and squelch real talent and innovation, through the mercenary, unthinking cash mining of industries by upper...