by Team Grype | Jun 18, 2013 | Grypes |
We don’t usually do gaming columns, but this one simply begged to be written, so here goes: To no one’s surprise, software giant Microsoft continues to rake in record profits while inviting its customers to fuck off. They had to scramble a few years back...
by Team Grype | Jun 13, 2013 | Grypes |
It recently came to light that Apple, one of America’s most-profitable corporations, legally sidesteps a hefty portion of its annual Federal corporate tax obligation by taking advantage of certain loopholes in the U.S. Tax Code (and international financial law)...
by Team Grype | Jun 11, 2013 | Grypes |
Last week I promised you we would bag on Pepsi, so here goes: Way back in the early 1990s (during the heady days of “the Cola Wars”) Pepsi Cola was getting seriously stomped by Coca-Cola in foreign markets— even in spite of the “New Coke”...
by Team Grype | Jun 4, 2013 | Grypes |
Meanwhile, back on the corporate shenanighans trail… has anyone enjoyed an ice-cold can of Coca-Cola Classic lately? Nope. Because it no longer exists. What all Coca-Cola fans drink now (except for those who drink Coke imported from overseas, or anywhere...
by Team Grype | May 30, 2013 | Grypes |
Sometimes the question “can I pick your brain?” is no different than someone asking “can I pick your pocket?” Ideas are currency in the world of creative endeavor. Yet in the workplace, too often our superiors and co-workers goad us into giving...
by Team Grype | May 28, 2013 | Grypes |
Last Saturday a number of organized rallies were held in protest of agricultural giant Monsanto and its genetically modified seeds. It was supposedly staged in 52 countries and 436 cities around the world, though evidence of it in the press was pretty scant. And by...