I’m writing this review with full knowledge that if you read it you already know who Godspeed You! Black Emperor is. So we can just skip the band bio. This album is the band’s follow up to 2012’s highly anticipated Allelujah! Don’t Bend! Ascend!, an album that I still find in heavy rotation both on my record player and in my steaming service. I’d like to say as I listen to ‘Asunder’ I don’t see why others are reviewing this album as if it doesn’t stack up. True, it moves along a little quicker than previous albums. The first track ‘Peasantry or ‘Light! Inside of Light!’ may not build in the same way as tracks like ‘Storm’ from Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven but be honest everyone, we’d all be upset if they just kept making the same album over and over again. The drone tracks are just as strong as in their previous work even if they are a little short. It just seems like it’s a sad day when even Godspeed cant get above an 8 on Pitchfork. At that point doesn’t an 8 just become a 10? I think that the fall in ratings has a lot less to do with the music on the album and a lot more to do with the fact that Godspeed toured in support of Nine Inch Nails in 2013. Perhaps, and I’m just guessing here, some people are a little miffed that one of the bastions of “great music your friends have never heard of” has fallen from that pedestal? In my opinion the album is great the whole way through. I suppose I’d like to hear a little more of it, but hey! isn’t that how your supposed to feel at the end of a great album? Give it a listen and decide for yourself. Also, here’s a drawing I did of Godspeed…
‘Asunder, Sweet and Other Distress’ album review
by upright | Apr 8, 2015 | Arts & Culture | 2 comments

great post and great point. 🙂
also the watercolor so well depicts the band. efrim looks simply tortured… and that’s kind of what the band’s about, I think.
I met him once standing outside a venue smoking. I was torn between wanting to thank him for his music and knowing that he probably wouldn’t want me to. He was gracious about it.