Bushe defends a man in court

—Grattan and Flood wrote for this very paper, the editor cried in his face. Irish volunteers. Where are you now? Established 1763. Dr Lucas. Who have you now like John Philpot Curran? Psha!

—Well, J. J. O’Molloy said, Bushe K.C., for example.

—Bushe? the editor said. Well, yes: Bushe, yes. He has a strain of it in his blood. Kendal Bushe or I mean Seymour Bushe.

—He would have been on the bench long ago, the professor said, only for … But no matter.

J. J. O’Molloy turned to Stephen and said quietly and slowly:

—One of the most polished periods I think I ever listened to in my life fell from the lips of Seymour Bushe. It was in that case of fratricide, the Childs murder case. Bushe defended him.

And in the porches of mine ear did pour.

By the way how did he find that out? He died in his sleep. Or the other story, beast with two backs?

—What was that? the professor asked.


John Philpot Curran was another distinguished Irish orator, politician and judge. Curran was a liberal protestant, educated at Trinity College in Dublin, who’s political views were similar to  Henry Grattan. He was also famous for challenging people to duels, fighting five total during his lifetime. (source)



Seymour Bushe or Charles Kendal Bushe was also a famous Irish Lawyer, judge, and politician. Bushe was often referred to as “silver tongued Bushe” for his skills of oratory. However as a judge and statesmen he was often seen as a double dealer. He opposed the Act of Union but easily accepted a position within the new regime. (source) 

portrait of Charles Kendal Bushe