

Lenehan said to all:

—Silence! What opera resembles a railwayline? Reflect, ponder, excogitate, reply.

Stephen handed over the typed sheets, pointing to the title and signature.

—Who? the editor asked.

Bit torn off.

—Mr Garrett Deasy, Stephen said.

—That old pelters, the editor said. Who tore it? Was he short taken?

On swift sail flaming
     From storm and south
     He comes, pale vampire,
     Mouth to my mouth.

—Good day, Stephen, the professor said, coming to peer over their shoulders. Foot and mouth? Are you turned…?

Bullockbefriending bard.


I found an article about the poem in this passage. Unfortunately reading the article from an old edition of James Joyce Quarterly requires that you register and account for this site (source). It was interesting to draw Stephen again. it’s been such a long time that I can really see how far my drawing skills have come since Proteus.