Fresh Pepper

Fresh Pepper

One side-effect of the digital information age is that much clandestine information— formerly inaccessible to the average American— has become readily available, making the outrageous misbehavior of big business seriously apparent to anyone who bothers to look. These...
Test Your Might

Test Your Might

There’s a lot of noise flying around today over a Congressional vote that rejected slightly-stricter gun ownership laws—specifically, an expansion of background checks. What’s funny about it (if “funny” can be ironically twisted into an...
Chili Con Carnage

Chili Con Carnage

The business world— oft beset by legions of dull, mono-thinking clock-watchers devoid of creativity and imagination— innately values the guiding motivational force generated by leaders who “have vision.” Such confirmed visionaries are highly regarded for...
Samurai Knight Fever

Samurai Knight Fever

Seeing how our society has become so completely rooted in unreal, media-driven fantasy (including our TV news programming), one begins to notice the weird insistence of our culture to reimagine everyone as a special effects-enhanced, wish-fulfilling superhero…...
Feet of Flame

Feet of Flame

We idolize sincerity in others because we suffer from a cultural phobia that others won’t think we’re good enough. The self-help industry plays into that fear as new self-improvement books clog magazine racks at supermarket check-out lines. TV is rife with...
Brew Ha Ha

Brew Ha Ha

This has been an interesting week: an oil pipeline ruptured in Arkansas, flooding an entire town with dirty crude distilled from Canadian tar sands (yum!). There seems to be a news blackout in the area. Coincidence? Plus a gang of Atlanta teachers got busted...