Look Away, Dixieland

Look Away, Dixieland

So, in the aftermath of the recent tragic church shooting in South Carolina, the controversy over the continued presence of the Confederate battle flag on state property has again arisen. I don’t understand why it’s suddenly become such a flashpoint for...
Smart Lifting Practices

Smart Lifting Practices

So, this week the various interwebs have been crazily abuzz over former-athlete/celebrity-stepmom Caitlyn (née Bruce) Jenner, noted ’70’s Wheaties box cover boy and lately the anointed spokesperson for the transgender movement. Lots of long-closeted...
Chicken Pasta

Chicken Pasta

I was recently asked if I’m concerned about the possibility of “living in a future where people have to be careful what they say, and to whom, for fear they will be attacked.” I responded that we already live in a present where people have to be...
Year Of The Rat

Year Of The Rat

Breaking News: The Supreme Court just essentially ruled that anyone can offhandedly threaten to kidnap, kill, rape, mutilate, and murder anyone they want, as often and as perniciously as they want, as long as they do it online on Facebook and as long as, afterward,...