Burrito Sociology

Burrito Sociology

We’ve always tried to keep from bashing all corporations all the time, and have never hesitated to celebrate good corporate citizenship whenever it came to our attention— but these days it’s getting hard to like the massive corporate machine that runs our...
Bat Sh*t Crazy

Bat Sh*t Crazy

There are way too many screaming heads filling our TV screens, shouting inflammatory nonsense and predicting iminent disaster on all fronts. Once common decency and rationality no longer earn sufficient advertising dollars, network ratings strategy becomes a...
Catch The Spirit

Catch The Spirit

In many countries, only monarchs or governments are legally entitled to pull resources out of the earth; the United States is one of the few nations where private land owners hold title to anything above and below ground on their property. Selling or leasing mineral...
Truth in Underwriting

Truth in Underwriting

There’s a new treaty in town, and it’s name is TAFTA. The Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) between the US and the EU intends to create the world’s largest free trade area, “protect” investment and remove “unnecessary regulatory...
Super Pac Man

Super Pac Man

Now that our government has “re-opened” after our recent two-week-long political mediapalooza, the sky-is-falling crowd gets to choke on the revelation that the whole Congressional fracas was essentially a non-event (apart from some screwed-over Federal...