two women looking up at the statue of Nelson in Dublin Ireland

—Easy all, Myles Crawford said. No poetic licence. We’re in the archdiocese here. —And settle down on their striped petticoats, peering up at the statue of the onehandled adulterer. —Onehandled adulterer! the professor cried. I like that. I see the idea. I see what you mean.


The statue is obviously of Horatio Nelson Vice Admiral of the British Navy. Lord Nelson lost his right arm in Battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Nelson continued his naval career in spite of only having one arm. Admiral Nelson had a very public affair with Emma Hamilton the wife of Sir William Hamilton. Their love story is a tragic testament to the constraints of English society at the time. (source) <<<< Do yourself a favor and read that article!

Nelson wounded during the battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife; 1806 painting by Richard Westall

Nelson wounded during the battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife; 1806 painting by By Richard Westall – National Maritime Museum website, Public Domain,