two old Dublin women

Nulla bona, Jack, he said, raising his hand to his chin. I’m up to here. I’ve been through the hoop myself. I was looking for a fellow to back a bill for me no later than last week. Sorry, Jack. You must take the will for the deed. With a heart and a half if I could raise the wind anyhow. J. J. O’Molloy pulled a long face and walked on silently. They caught up on the others and walked abreast. —When they have eaten the brawn and the bread and wiped their twenty fingers in the paper the bread was wrapped in they go nearer to the railings. —Something for you, the professor explained to Myles Crawford. Two old Dublin women on the top of Nelson’s pillar.

annotation: Nulla bona means “no goods” in Latin, a phrase used when no property can be found to pay off a debt. (source)