There’s No Place Like Home

There’s No Place Like Home

So… today our hardworking government guardians-of-information-transfer over at the FCC are set to propose new net neutrality rules which, they assure us, will ALLOW content creators to PAY INTERNET PROVIDERS to guarantee faster access to consumers. Well, thank...
Splash From The Past

Splash From The Past

So J.K. Rowling is officially writing more Harry Potter books despite her previous insistence that she had no plans to continue on in that vein. Except that “vein” is a “vein” of gold in a massive goldmine, and her adult fiction novel kind of...
Not Quite Right

Not Quite Right

Since there was so much media handwringing over the Pennsylvania school stabbing a week ago (as well as the brutal knife murders off campus at the University of Calgary on Tuesday), we can probably expect a lot more coverage since another such stabbing occurred at a...
The Lesser Evil

The Lesser Evil

Last Saturday marked the one-year anniversary of a great moment in Obama-era legislative cooperation. Since the Great Gingrich Polarization of 1993, usually every piece of legislation introduced to Congress for discussion swiftly gets buried under pork and swamped by...
The Maneuver

The Maneuver

Sure, Russia may be poised to invade Ukraine in the most blatantly-illegal landgrab since Hitler marched into Czechoslovakia. But “So what?” sayeth the American citizenry, “we’re more interested in government infighting and fact-skewing by our...