Back From The Future

Back From The Future

Okay, okay. We’ll do “guns” again. Sheesh. So… two weeks ago, on Friday, May 23rd— the same day the Isla Vista, California gunman went on a rampage that resulted in the deaths of six college students and injury to 13 others— approximately 5...
Have It Your Way

Have It Your Way

So, now that a few months have passed and the Affordable Care Act hasn’t spawned “Government Death Panels” (or whatever the hell paranoiacs were screaming about a few years back), I notice the political fallout over Obamacare has gotten pretty quiet....
The Final Option

The Final Option

Next Monday is Memorial Day, a day of remembrance for America’s veterans, and the political landscape is lighting up with rhetorical fireworks as the-bullshit-factory-that-is-Washington celebrates the holiday with a nasty scandal over mismanagement of veteran...
Dress Flap

Dress Flap

Last week a teenage girl from Virginia posted a rather one-sided screed to her sister’s blog complaining that she’d been unfairly ejected from a dance party, because… well, because that sort of thing is incredibly important to teenage girls. Which...
Dog and Kony

Dog and Kony

“If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.” —Mark Twain That’s a great quote. But is it really true? Well… if voting DIDN’T make a difference, political interests wouldn’t pay so much trying to acquire them....