I’m just the Devil with Love to Spare

I’m just the Devil with Love to Spare

So… what ever happened to shame? The worst douchebags in politics and industry no longer bother trying to conceal their blatant lies and misbehavior, convinced Joe Public can’t pay attention to their self-serving antics while distracted by the mind-numbing...
What Happens In Vegas

What Happens In Vegas

Why is the stock market so important that we repeatedly let it torpedo our economy? What’s going on with that? Well… corporate trading takes many forms. Corporate stock trading occurs when conglomerations of rich people (investors) pool their money and use...
Javada Kadavra

Javada Kadavra

Lately you see a lot of buzz about the evils of corporatization. What is it? Corporatization is just capitalism, institutionalized. In a corporatized market society, the element of personal creativity and achievement has been superceded by the bottom line, and the...
The Piece Wages of Idolatry

The Piece Wages of Idolatry

What happened to the good old days, when the business world was a clean, shiny place where everyone played fair and worked together to create a stable, equitable dissemination of wealth? Answer: NOTHING happened to it. Because those days never really existed. Business...
How Sweet It Is

How Sweet It Is

P.T. Barnum famously advised us “there is a sucker born every minute” and proved his theory by building a formidable financial empire atop a mountain of bullshit, or— as it was more-colloquially known a century ago— “humbug.” Yet our culture...